Grimm Fairy Tales is a horror comic book series, that presents classic fairy tales, albeit with modern twists or expanded plots. It began publication in June 2005.Each issue of Grimm Fairy Tales has two parts: a frame story and a fairy tale. The frame story revolves around Dr. Sela Mathers, a Doctor/Professor of Literature who has been given the ability to help people by showing them fairy tales with a lesson about their life. She struggles with the fact that people ignore her advice and ruin their lives anyway, and begins using her ability to dispense justice instead. Sela's nemesis is Belinda, who has the same ability as Sela but uses it for evil.The other portion of the story is a twisted version of a classic fairy tale. The fairy tales are often violent and end in depressing ways, warning the readers to change their lives or suffer a similar (sometimes, worse) fate.
Grimm Fairy Tales 004 - Rumpelstiltskin- Download